Use directions
Add 1 lb of RofenAid 40 to one ton of feed to provide 0.02% (0.0125% sulfadimethoxine and 0.0075% ormetoprim) concentration in feed.
Add 1/2 lb of RofenAid 40 to one ton of feed to provide 0.01% (0.00625% sulfadimethoxine and 0.00375% ormetoprim) concentration in feed.
Add 2 lbs of RofenAid 40 to one ton of feed to provide 0.04% (0.025% sulfadimethoxine and 0.015% ormetoprim) concentration in feed.
Add 4 lbs of RofenAid 40 to one ton of feed to provide 0.08% (0.050% sulfadimethoxine and 0.030% ormetoprim) concentration in feed.
Use directions
Add 1 lb of RofenAid 40 to one ton of feed to provide 0.02% (0.0125% sulfadimethoxine and 0.0075% ormetoprim) concentration in feed.