carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of Salsalate tablet, USP and other treatment options before deciding to use Salsalate tablet, USP. Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration consistent with individual patient treatment goals (see WARNINGS).
After observing the response to initial therapy with Salsalate tablet, USP, the dose and frequency should be adjusted to suit an individual patient's needs. Salsalate is indicated for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and related rheumatic disorder.
The usual dosage is 3000 mg daily, given in divided doses as follows: 1( two doses of two 750 mg tablets; 2) two doses of three 500 mg tablets; or 3) three doses of two 500 mg tablets. Some patients, e.g., the elderly, may require a lower dosage to acieve therapeutic blood concentrations and to avoid the more common side effects such as auditory.
Alleviation of symptoms is gradual, and full benefit may not be evident for 3 to 4 days, when plasma salicylate levels have achieved steady state. There is no evidence for development of tissue tolerance (tachyphylaxis), but salicylate therapy may induce increased activity of metabolizing liver enzymes, causing a greater rate of salicyluric acid production and excretion, with a resultant increase in dosage requirement for maintenance of therapeutic serum salicylate levels.
Dosage recommendations and indications for salsalate use in children have not been established.