this product does not contain directions or complete warnings for adult use shake well before using mL = milliliter; tsp = teaspoonfulfind the right dose on the chart below. If possible, use weight to dose, otherwise, use age.if needed, repeat dose every 4 hours while symptoms lastdo not give more than 5 times in 24 hoursdo not give for more than 5 days unless directed by a doctor.
Weight (lb) Age (yr) Dose (mL or tsp)*
under 24 under 2 years ask a doctor
24-35 2 - 3 years 5 mL (1 tsp)
36-47 4 - 5 years 7.5 mL (1 1/2 tsp0
48-59 6 - 8 years 10 mL (2 tsp)
60-71 9 - 10 years 12.5. mL (2 1/2 TSP)
72-95 11 years 15 mL (3 tsp)
*or as directed by a doctor
Attention: use only enclosed dosing cup specifically designed for use with this product. Do not use any other dosing device.