ADMINISTRATION: The recommended dosage for beef cattle should be administered by subcutaneous injection only. Failure to use the subcutaneous route of administration may result in antibiotic residues in meat beyond the withdrawal time.
DOSAGE: Beef cattle: 2 mL per 150 lb body weight given subcutaneously only (2000 units penicillin G procaine and 2000 units penicillin G benzathine per lb body weight). Treatment should be repeated in 48 hours.
IMPORTANT: Treatment in beef cattle should be limited to two (2) doses given by subcutaneous injection only.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: A thoroughly cleaned, sterile needle and syringe should be used for each injection (needles and syringes may be sterilized by boiling in water for 15 minutes).
Before withdrawing the solution from the bottle, disinfect the the rubber cap on the bottle with a suitable disinfectant, such as 70 percent alcohol. The injection site should be similarly cleaned with the disinfectant. Use a 16 gauge needle, not more than 1 inch long. No vial should be entered more than 14 times with a 16 gauge needle.
A subcutaneous injection should be made by pinching up a fold of the skin between the thumb and forefinger. The mid-neck region is the preferred injection site. Insert the needle under the fold in a direction approximately parallel to the surface of the body. When the needle is inserted in this manner, the medication will be delivered underneath the skin between the skin and the muscles. Proper restraint, such as the use of a chute and nose lead is needed for proper administration of the product.