• This product does not contain directions or complete warnings for adult use.
• Each packet provides 1 dose for a child who is 48 to 59 pounds or 6 to 8 years of age. If possible, use weight to determine dose; otherwise use age.
To use:
• Fold back at the dotted line to reveal the tear strip.
• Tear across (not up & down) at the exposed tear slit
• Remove and discard strip
• Squeeze medicine into child’s mouth.
• If needed, repeat dose every 4 hours while symptoms last.
• Do not give more than 5 times in 24 hours (see overdose warning).
• Do not give more than 5 days unless directed by a doctor.
• This product does not contain directions or complete warnings for adult use.
• Each packet provides 1 dose for a child who is 36 to 47 pounds or 4 to 5 years of age. If possible, use weight to determine dose; otherwise use age.
To use:
• Fold back at the dotted line to reveal the tear strip.
• Tear across (not up & down) at the exposed tear slit
• Remove and discard strip
• Squeeze medicine into child’s mouth.
• If needed, repeat dose every 4 hours while symptoms last.
• Do not give more than 5 times in 24 hours (see overdose warning).
• Do not give more than 5 days unless directed by a doctor.