Nelco Laboratories, Inc.
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Nelco Laboratories, Inc. Drugs
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Standardized Cat Hair
It is imperative that the physician determine the initial dose of the product by skin testing. Patients being switched from extracts not labeled in Bioequivalency Allergy Units should be started as if they were coming under treatment for the first time. Patients being switched from one lot of Standardized Cat Hair to another lot of Standardized Cat Hair (from the same or different manufacturers) should have the initial dose from the new lot reduced by 75%. Patients being switched from a Standardized Cat Pelt extract to a Standardized Cat Hair extract (both labeled in BAU/mL) should be skin tested with both extracts to determine the relative potency of the extracts and the dosage adjusted accordingly.
Recommended usual dosage and range: (Scratch or Prick Testing)
The general method of making a scratch test is to first scarify the skin and then apply a drop of extract to the scratch. Make scarifications at least 2.5 cm apart. Hold the scarifier between thumb and index finger, press the sharp edge of the instrument against the skin and twirl instrument rapidly. The scratch should disrupt the outer layers of epidermis but should not produce immediate oozing of blood. One drop (0.05 mL) of extract is rubbed or applied into each scratch. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluting fluid (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Recommended usual dosage and range: (Intradermal Testing)
Patients with a negative scratch or prick-puncture test:
Patients who do not react to a valid scratch or prick- puncture test should be tested intradermally with a 0.05 mL of a 50 BAU/mL extract solution. If this test is negative, a second intradermal test may be performed using a 100 BAU/mL extract dilution. The negative puncture control must be diluted appropriately for intradermal use. .
To prepare a 50 BAU/mL dilution from 10,000 BAU/mL vial:
Take 5.0 mL of the 10,000 BAU/mL + 5.0 mL of diluent =Vial A @5,000 BAU/mL.
Take 1.0 of vial A + 9.0 mL diluent = vial B @500 BAU/mL.
Take 1.0 of vial B + 9.0 mL diluent = vial C @50 BAU/mL.
Patients being suspected of being highly allergic should be tested with 0.05 mL of a 0.1 BAU/mL dilution. A negative test should be followed by repeat tests using progressively stronger concentrations until the maximal recommended strength of 100 BAU/mL is reached. The negative puncture test control must be diluted appropriately for intradermal use. To prepare this dilution follow the tenfold dilution series chart for therapeutic allergens.
Allergic response is based on measurement of wheal and erythema with respect to positive and negative control skin tests. Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement or the extent of both responses.
Recommended dosage and range: (Therapeutic) Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, and the clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the injection regimen. The dosage of allergenic extract does not vary significantly with the respiratory allergic disease under treatment.
In patients who appear to be highly sensitive by history and skin test, the initial dose of the extract should be 0.05mL of 0.01 to 0.1 BAU/mL. Patients with lesser sensitivity may be started using 1.0 BAU/mL. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount, and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection.
Any evidence of systemic reaction is an indication for a significant reduction (at least 50%) in the subsequent dose. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage. After therapeutic injections patients should always be observed for at least 30 minutes. If adverse reactions appear, the next therapeutic injection of extract should be reduced to the dose which does not elicit a reaction and subsequent doses increased more slowly. The upper limits of dosage have not been established. Doses larger than 0.2 mL of 10,000 BAU/mL may be painful due to glycerin content. (9)
Preparation Instructions To prepare a dilution for intradermal and therapeutic use, one starts with 10,000 BAU/mL stock concentrate and makes a 1:10 dilution by adding 1.0 mL of the concentrate to 9.0 mL of sterile diluent. Subsequent dilutions are made in similar manner.
TEN-FOLD DILUTION SERIES Dilution Extract Diluent mL BAU/mL 0 Concentrate 0 10,000 1 1mL concentrate 9 1,000 2 1mL dilution #1 9 100 3 1mL dilution #2 9 10 4 1mL dilution #3 9 1 5 1mL dilution #4 9 0.1 6 1mL dilution #5 9 0.01Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. However, as it is customary practiced, injections are given once or twice per week until the maintenance dose of extract is reached. At this time, the injection interval may be increased to 2 weeks, then 3 weeks and finally to 4 weeks. If the patient does not return for 6-8 weeks after the last injection, the dose should be reduced to 25% of the last dose. If longer than 8 weeks, a dose reduction of 1,2, or 3 dilution's may be made depending on a consideration of the components and the patient's sensitivity. The dosage and the interval between injections may need to be modified according to the clinical response of the patient. When switching patients to a fresh extract the initial dose should be reduced 3/4 so that 25% of previous dose is administered.
Duration of treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Standardized Orchard Grass Pollen
It is imperative that the physician determine a safe initial dose. Patients being switched from one lot of Standardized Pollen to another lot of Standardized Pollen (from the same or different manufacturers) should have the initial dose from the new lot reduced by 75%. For patients being switched from non-standardized extract to a standardized extract, the selection of dose needs to be based on the dose of the extract currently administered and the relative potency with regards to the standardized extract. (See Clinical Pharmacology Table C for a comparison of standardized and non-standardized pollen extracts). Side by side comparison of wheal and erythema by skin testing of standardized and non-standardized extract can be carried out to determine comparability of doses selected.
For safe and effective use of allergenic extracts, sterile solutions, vials, syringes, etc. should be used and aseptic precautions followed when making dilution's and giving injections. The usual precautions to be observed in administering extracts are necessary. A sterile tuberculin syringe graduated in 0.1mL units to measure each dose for the prescribed dilution should be used.
After therapeutic injections patients should always be observed for at least 30 minutes. If adverse reactions appear, the next therapeutic injection of extract should be reduced to the dose which does not elicit a reaction and subsequent doses increased more slowly.
Recommended dosage and range: (Scratch or Prick tests)
The general method of making a scratch test is to first scarify the skin and then apply a drop of extract to the scratch. Make scarifications at least 2.5 cm apart. Hold the scarifier between thumb and index finger, press the sharp edge of the instrument against the skin and twirl instrument rapidly. The scratch should disrupt the outer layers of epidermis but should not produce immediate oozing of blood. One drop (0.05mL) of extract is rubbed or applied into each scratch. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
The concentration of Standardized Pollen extract for Scratch or Prick-puncture testing is prepared using 10,000 BAU/mL. If negative, 100,000 BAU/mL can be used to determine sensitivity of the patient.
Recommended dosage and range: (Intradermal tests)
Patients with a negative scratch or prick-puncture test:
Patients who do not react to a valid scratch or prick- puncture test should be tested intradermally with 0.05mL of a 50 BAU/mL extract solution. If this test is negative, a second intradermal test may be performed using a 100 BAU/mL extract dilution. The negative puncture test control must be diluted appropriately for intradermal use.
To prepare a 50 BAU/mL dilution from Nelco's
10,000 BAU/mL vial:
Take 5.0 mL of the 10,000 BAU/mL + 5.0mL of diluent
equals Vial A at 5,000 BAU/mL.
Take 1.0 mL of Vial A + 9.0 mL diluent equals
Vial B at 500 BAU/mL.
Take 1.0 mL of Vial B + 9.0 mL diluent equals
Vial C at 50 BAU/mL.
Patients tested only by the intradermal method: (See table B) Patients being suspected of being highly allergic should be tested with 0.05 mL of a 0.1 BAU/mL dilution. A negative test should be followed by repeat tests using progressively stronger concentrations until the maximal recommended strength of 100 BAU/mL is reached. The negative puncture test control must be diluted appropriately for intradermal use. To prepare this dilution follow the tenfold dilution series chart for therapeutic allergens.
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls.
Preparation Instructions: To prepare a dilution for intradermal and therapeutic use, one starts with 10,000 BAU/mL stock concentrate and makes a 1:10 dilution by adding 1.0 mL of the concentrate to 9.0mL of sterile diluent. Subsequent dilutions are made in similar manner.
TEN-FOLD DILUTION SERIES Dilution Extract Diluent mL BAU/mL 0 Concentrate 0 10,000 1 1 mL concentrate 9 1,000 2 1 mL dilution #1 9 100 3 1 mL dilution #2 9 10 4 1 mL dilution #3 9 1 5 1 mL dilution #4 9 0.1 6 1 mL dilution #5 9 0.01Recommended dosage and range: (Therapeutic)
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, the clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the injection regimen. The dosage of allergenic extract does not vary significantly with the respiratory allergic disease under treatment. In patients who appear to be highly sensitive by history and skin test, the initial dose of the extract should be 0.05mL of 5 BAU/mL which results in a dosage of 0.25 BAU. Patients with lesser sensitivity may be started using 1 BAU/mL. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount, and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. Any evidence of systemic reaction is an indication for a significant reduction (at least 50%) in the subsequent dose. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage. After therapeutic injections, patients should always be observed for at least 20 minutes. If adverse reactions appear, the next therapeutic injection of extract should be reduced to the dose which dose not elicit a reaction and subsequent doses increased more slowly. The upper limits of dosage have not been established. Doses larger than 0.2 mL of 10,000 BAU/mL may be painful due to glycerin content. Dosage use of up to 100,000 BAU/mL is determined by patient response and administered at the discretion of the physician.
Suggested Dosage Charts *(Note Disclaimer)
*This is a suggested dose chart only. Dose regimen has not been subjected to adequate and well controlled studies to determine safety and efficacy.
Please read entire instructions before commencing immunotherapy. Observe patients for 30 minutes after an injection. Note: Certain individuals may not tolerate this suggested schedule. The physician may need to adjust both the dosage and interval accordingly.
Suggested Treatment Schedule Vial # Injection # Volume (mL) 1 (5 BAU/mL) 1 0.05 1 2 0.10 1 3 0.15 1 4 0.20 1 5 0.30 1 6 0.40 1 7 0.50 2 (50 BAU/mL) 8 0.05 2 9 0.10 2 10 0.15 2 11 0.20 2 12 0.30 2 13 0.40 2 14 0.50 3 (500 BAU/mL) 15 0.05 3 16 0.10 3 17 0.15 3 18 0.20 3 19 0.30 3 20 0.40 3 21 0.50 4 (5,000 BAU/mL) 22 0.05 4 23 0.07 4 24 0.10 4 25 0.15 4 26 0.20 4 27 0.25 4 28+++ 0.25Note: Maintenance dose is that dose which provides symptomatic relief or the strongest dose that can be tolerated by the patient. Therefore, a physician must determine each patient's maintenance dose.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. However, as it is customary practiced, injections are given once or twice per week until the maintenance dose of extract is reached. At this time, the injection interval may be increased to 2 weeks, then 3 weeks and finally to 4 weeks. If the patient does not return for 6-8 weeks after the last injection, the dose should be reduced to 25% of the last dose. If longer than 8 weeks, a dose reduction of 1,2, or 3 dilutions may be made depending on a consideration of the components and the patient's sensitivity.(3) The dosage and the interval between injections may need to be modified according to the clinical response of the patient. When switching patients to a new extract the initial dose should be reduced 3/4 so that 25% of previous dose is administered.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Arabic Gum
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Standardized Mite Dermatophagoides Farinae
It is imperative that the physician determine the initial dose of the product by skin testing. Patients being switched from a Standardized Mite extract to a new Standardized Mite extract (both labeled in AU/mL) should be skin tested with both extracts to determine the relative potency of the extracts and the dosage adjusted accordingly.
For safe and effective use of allergen extracts, sterile solutions, vials, syringes, etc. should be used and aseptic precautions observed in making dilution's. The usual precautions to be observed in administering extracts are necessary. A sterile tuberculin syringe graduated in 0.1 mL units to measure each dose for the prescribed dilution should be used.
Recommended dosage and range:(Diagnostic) The concentration of Standardized Mite extract for Scratch or Prick-puncture testing is 10,000 AU/mL, glycerinated, supplied in 5 mL dropper vials. Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement or the extent of both responses.
Prick-puncture tests on Mite allergic subjects: 10 puncture tests (bifurcated needle) on mite allergic subjects yielded the following:
# Person Mean sum of wheal Range Mean sum of Erythema Range (mm) D. farinae 10 17.4 mm 12-21 mm 78.8 mm 63-97 mm D. pteronyssinus 10 18.0 mm 10-37 mm 68.7 mm 46-114 mmIntradermal tests (using 0.05 mL) on 10 puncture positive patients AU/mL to elicit 50 mm sum of dia. of erythema reaction (10)
# Persons Mean Range (AU/mL) D. farinae 10 0.029 AU/mL 0.077-0.005 AU/mL D. pteronyssinus 10 0.024 AU/mL 0.78-0.0004 AU/mLPatients with a negative scratch or prick-puncture test: Patients who do not react to a valid scratch or prick- puncture test should be tested intradermally with a 0.02 to 0.05 mL of a 50 AU/mL extract solution. If this test is negative, a second intradermal test may be performed using a 100 AU/mL extract dilution. The negative puncture test control must be diluted appropriately for ID use. It is supplied in 5 mL and 10 mL vials of 50% glycerin (v/v).
To prepare a 50 AU/mL dilution from 10,000 AU/mL vial:
Take 5.0mL of 10,000AU/mL + 5.0 mL of diluent = Vial A @5,000 AU/mL.
Take 1.0 of Vial A + 9.0 mL diluent = Vial B @ 500 AU/mL.
Take 1.0 of Vial B + 9.0 mL diluent = Vial C @ 50 AU/mL.
Patients tested only by the intradermal method: Patients being suspected of being highly allergic should be tested with 0.02 to 0.05 mL of a 0.1 AU/mL dilution.(3) A negative test should be followed by repeat tests using progressively stronger concentrations until the maximal recommended strength of 100 AU/mL is reached. The negative puncture test control must be diluted appropriately for intradermal use. It is supplied in 5 mL and 10 mL vials of 50% glycerin (v/v).
Recommended dosage and range: (Therapeutic) Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. In patients who appear to be highly sensitive by history and skin test, the initial dose of the extract should be 0.1 mL of 0.01 to 0.1 AU/mL. Patients with lesser sensitivity may be started at 1.0 to 10.0 AU/mL. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount, and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. Large local reactions which persist longer than 24 hours are generally considered an indication for repeating the previous dose or reducing the dose. Any evidence of systemic reaction is an indication for a significant reduction (at least 50%) for the subsequent dose. Maximum dosage has not been established however, the upper limits of l mL of 10,000 AU/mL may be painful due to glycerin content. The dosage of allergenic extract does not vary significantly with the allergic disease under treatment.
After therapeutic injections patients should always be observed for at least 30 minutes. If adverse reactions appear, the next therapeutic injection of extract should be reduced to the dose which does not elicit a reaction and subsequent doses increased slowly. If local reactions occur, reduce subsequent injections to a dose which did not elicit this reaction.
Preparation Instructions: To prepare dilution for intradermal and therapeutic use, one starts with 10,000 AU/mL concentrate and makes a 1:10 dilution by adding 1.0 mL of the concentrate to 9.0 mL of sterile diluent. Subsequent dilution's are made in similar manner.
TEN-FOLD DILUTION SERIES Dilution Extract Diluent mL AU/mL 0 Concentrate 0 10,000 1 1 mL concentrate 9 1,000 2 1 mL dilution #1 9 100 3 1 mL dilution #2 9 10 4 1 mL dilution #3 9 1 5 1 mL dilution #4 9 0.1 6 1 mL dilution #5 9 0.01Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. However, as it is customary practiced, injections are given 1,2, or 3 times per week until the maintenance dose of extract is reached. At this time, the injection interval may be increased to 2 weeks, then 3 weeks and finally to 4 weeks. If the patient does not return for 6-8 weeks after the last injection, the dose should be reduced to 25% of the last dose. If longer than 8 weeks, a dose reduction of 1,2, or 3 dilution's may be made depending on a consideration of the components and the patient's sensitivity. The dosage and the interval between injections may need to be modified according to the clinical response of the patient. When switching patients to a fresh extract the initial dose should be reduced 3/4 so that 25% of previous dose is administered.(14)
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Short Ragweed Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Fire Ant
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Bahia Grass
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Cattle Epithelium
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Egg White
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Egg White
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Red Delicious Apple
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Red Delicious Apple
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Egg White
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Red Delicious Apple
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Egg White
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Red Delicious Apple
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Thompson Seedless Grape
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Thompson Seedless Grape
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Thompson Seedless Grape
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Thompson Seedless Grape
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.1 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.1 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.1 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.1 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.1 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.1 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Para Grass Pollen
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
California Mugwort
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Nigrospora Sphaerica
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
Aspergillus Fumigatus
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
House Dust
General Precautions
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permits.
The dosage of allergenic extracts is dependent upon the purpose of the administration. Allergenic extracts can be administered for diagnostic use or for therapeutic use.
When allergenic extracts are administered for diagnostic use, the dosage is dependent upon the method used. Two methods commonly used are scratch testing and intradermal testing. Both types of tests result in a wheal and flare response at the site of the test which usually develops rapidly and may be read in 20-30 minutes.
Diagnostic Use: Scratch Testing Method
Scratch testing is considered a simple and safe method although less sensitive than the intradermal test. Scratch testing can be used to determine the degree of sensitivity to a suspected allergen before using the intradermal test. This combination lessens the severity of response to an allergen which can occur in a very sensitive patient.
The most satisfactory testing site is the patient's back or volar surface of the arms from the axilla to 2.5 or 5cm above the wrist, skipping the anti-cubital space. If using the back as a testing site, the most satisfactory area are from the posterior axillary fold to 2.5 cm from the spinal column, and from the top of the scapula to the lower rib margins.
Allergenic extracts for diagnostic use are to be administered in the following manner: To scratch surface of skin, use a circular scarifier. Do not draw blood. Tests sites should be 4 cm apart to allow for wheal and flare reaction. 1-30 scratch tests may be done at a time. A separate sterile scratch instrument is to be used on each patient to prevent transmission of homologous serum hepatitis or other infectious agents from one patient to another.
The recommended usual dosage for Scratch testing is one drop of allergen applied to each scratch site. Do not let dropper touch skin. Always apply a control scratch with each test set. Sterile Diluent (for a negative control) is used in exactly the same way as an active test extract. Histamine may be used as a positive control. Scratch or prick test sites should be examined at 15 and 30 minutes. To prevent excessive absorption, wipe off antigens producing large reactions as soon as the wheal appears. Record the size of the reaction.
Interpretation of Scratch Test
Skin tests are graded in terms of the wheal and erythema response noted at 10 to 20 minutes. Wheal and erythema size may be recorded by actual measurement as compared with positive and negative controls. A positive reaction consists of an area of erythema surrounding the scarification that is larger than the control site. For uniformity in reporting reactions, the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No wheal. Erythema absent or very slight (not more than 1 mm diameter). One Plus + Wheal absent or very slight erythema present (not more than 3 mm diameter). Two Plus ++ Wheal not more than 3mm or erythema not more than 5mm diameter. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 3mm and 5mm diameter, with erythema. Possible pseudopodia and itching. Four Plus ++++ A larger reaction with itching and pain.Diagnostic Use: Intradermal Skin Testing Method
Do not perform intradermal test with allergens which have evoked a 2+ or greater response to a Scratch test. Clean test area with alcohol, place sites 5 cm apart using separate sterile tuberculin syringe and a 25 gauge needle for each allergen. Insert needle tip, bevel up, into intracutaneous space. Avoid injecting into blood vessel, pull back gently on syringe plunger, if blood enters syringe change position of needle. The recommended dosage and range for intradermal testing is 0.05 ml of not more than 100 pnu/ml or 1:1000 w/v (only if puncture test is negative) of allergenic extract. Inject slowly until a small bleb is raised. It is important to make each bleb the same size.
Interpretation of Intradermal Test:
The patient's reaction is graded on the basis of size of wheal and flare as compared to control. Use 0.05 ml sterile diluent as a negative control to give accurate interpretation. The tests may be accurately interpreted only when the saline control site has shown a negative response. Observe patient for at least 30 minutes. Tests can be read in 15-20 minutes. Edema, erythema and presence of pseudopods, pain and itching may be observed in 4 plus reactions. For uniformity in reporting reactions the following system is recommended. (6)
REACTION SYMBOL CRITERIA Negative - No increase in size of bleb since injection. No erythema. One Plus + An increase in size of bleb to a wheal not more than 5mm diameter, with associated erythema. Two Plus ++ Wheal between 5mm and 8mm diameter with erythema. Three Plus +++ Wheal between 8mm and 12mm diameter with erythema and possible pseudopodia and itching or pain. Four Plus ++++ Any larger reaction with itch and pain, and possible diffuse blush of the skin surrounding the reaction area.Therapeutic Use: Recommended dosage & range
Check the listed ingredients to verify that it matches the prescription ordered. When using a prescription set, verify the patient's name and the ingredients listed with the prescription order. Assess the patient's physical and emotional status prior to giving as injection. Do not give injections to patients who are in acute distress. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
Dosage of allergenic extracts is a highly individualized matter and varies according to the degree of sensitivity of the patient, his clinical response and tolerance to the extract administered during the early phases of an injection regimen. The dosage must be reduced when transferring a patient from non-standardized or modified extract to standardized extract. Any evidence of a local or generalized reaction requires a reduction in dosage during the initial stages of immunotherapy as well as during maintenance therapy. After therapeutic injections patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes for reaction symptoms.
The following schedule may act as a guide. This schedule has not been proven to be safe or effective. Sensitive patients may begin with smaller doses of weaker solutions and the dosage increments can be less.
STRENGTH DOSE VOLUME Vial #1 1 0.05 1:100,000 w/v 2 0.10 10 pnu/ml 3 0.15 1 AU/ml 4 0.20 1 BAU/ml 5 0.30 6 0.40 7 0.50 Vial #2 8 0.05 1:10,000 w/v 9 0.10 100 pnu/ml 10 0.15 10 AU/ml 11 0.20 10 BAU/ml 12 0.30 13 0.40 14 0.50 Vial #3 15 0.05 1:1,000 w/v 16 0.10 1,000 pnu/ml 17 0.15 100 AU/ml 18 0.20 100 BAU/ml 19 0.30 20 0.40 21 0.50 Vial #4 22 0.05 1:100 w/v 23 0.07 10,000 pnu/ml 24 0.10 1,000 AU/ml 25 0.15 1,000 BAU/ml 26 0.20 27 0.25 Maintenance Refill 28 0.25 1:100 w/v 29 0.25 10,000 pnu/ml 30 0.25 1,000 AU/ml 31 0.25 1,000 BAU/ml 32 0.25 subsequent doses 33 0.25Preparation Instructions:
All dilutions may be made using sterile buffered diluent. The calculation may be based on the following ratio:
Volume desired x Concentration desired = Volume needed x Concentration available.
Example 1: If a 1:10 w/v extract is available and it is desired to use a 1:1,000 w/v extract substitute as follows:
Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 0.001 = Vn x 0.1
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 1:10 vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting ratio will be a 10 ml vial of 1:1,000 w/v.
Example 2: If a 10,000 pnu/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 pnu/ml extract substitute as follows:
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 pnu/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be a 10 ml vial of 100 pnu/ml.
Example 3: If a 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract is available and it is desired to use a 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml extract substitute as follows: Vd x Cd = Vn x Ca
10ml x 100 = Vn x 10,000
0.1 ml = Vn
Using a sterile technique, remove 0.10 ml of extract from the 10,000 AU/ml or BAU/ml vial and place it into a vial containing 9.90 ml of sterile diluent. The resulting concentration will be 10ml vial of 100 AU/ml or BAU/ml.
Intervals between doses: The optimal interval between doses of allergenic extract has not been definitely established. The amount of allergenic extract is increased at each injection by not more than 50%-100% of the previous amount and the next increment is governed by the response to the last injection. There are three generally accepted methods of pollen hyposensitizing therapy.
Treatment starts each year 6 to 8 weeks before onset of seasonal symptoms. Maximal dose reached just before symptoms are expected. Injections discontinued during and following season until next year.
Patient is first treated during season with symptoms. Low initial doses are employed to prevent worsening of condition. This is followed by an intensive schedule of therapy (i.e. injections given 2 to 3 times per week). Fewer Allergists are resorting to this Co-seasonal therapy because of the availability of more effective, symptomatic medications that allow the patient to go through a season relatively symptom free.
Initially this is the same as pre seasonal. The allergen is administered twice weekly or weekly for about 20 injections to achieve the maximum tolerated dose. Then, maintenance therapy may be administered once a week or less frequently.
Duration of Treatment: The usual duration of treatment has not been established. A period of two or three years of injection therapy constitutes an average minimum course of treatment.
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