Treatment of BRD and bovine foot rot
Administer as a single subcutaneous injection in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) to cattle at a dosage of 3.0 mg ceftiofur equivalents (CE)/lb (6.6 mg CE/kg) body weight (BW) (1.5 mL sterile suspension per 100 lb BW).
In beef and non-lactating dairy cattle, EXCEDE Sterile Suspension may also be administered as a single subcutaneous injection in the middle third of the posterior aspect of the ear at a dosage of 3.0 mg CE/lb (6.6 mg CE/kg) BW (1.5 mL sterile suspension per 100 lb BW).
Most animals will respond to treatment within three to five days. If no improvement is observed, the diagnosis should be reevaluated.
Control of BRD
Administer as a subcutaneous injection either in the middle third of the posterior aspect of the ear or in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) to beef and non-lactating dairy cattle at a dosage of 3.0 mg CE/lb (6.6 mg CE/kg) BW (1.5 mL sterile suspension per 100 lb BW).
Clinical studies indicate that administration of EXCEDE Sterile Suspension is effective for the control of respiratory disease in beef and non-lactating dairy cattle at "high risk" of developing BRD. One or more of the following factors typically characterizes calves on arrival at high risk of developing BRD.
Cattle are from multiple farm origins,
cattle have had extended transport times (that may have included few if any rest stops),
ambient temperature change from origin to arrival of 30° F or more,
cattle have had continued exposure to extremely wet or cold weather conditions,
cattle have experienced excessive shrink or excessive arrival processing procedures (such as castration, dehorning).
Treatment of Acute Metritis
Administer as a subcutaneous injection in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) to lactating dairy cattle at a dosage of 3.0 mg CE/lb (6.6 mg CE/kg) BW (1.5 mL sterile suspension per 100 lb BW). Repeat this dose in the contra-lateral (opposite) ear approximately 72 hours following the initial dose.
Table 1. Dosing Schedule for EXCEDE Sterile Suspension.
Dose Volume(mL)
Dose Volume(mL)
Shake well before using. Please read the complete package insert before administering EXCEDE Sterile Suspension subcutaneously in the posterior ear of cattle.
Deposit as a single subcutaneous injection in the middle third of the posterior aspect of the ear, avoiding all blood vessels. See Figures 2 and 3.
Adjust the needle insertion point to avoid any blood vessels, previous implants, ear tags or ear tag holes. Do not administer intra-arterially.
Deliver the entire contents of the syringe.
When administered correctly, a subcutaneous bleb of EXCEDE Sterile Suspension will appear.
When withdrawing the needle, apply pressure to the needle insertion point, and massage toward the base of the ear.
Figure 2. Subcutaneous administration of EXCEDE Sterile Suspension in the middle third of the posterior aspect of the ear.
Figure 3. Diagram of the approximate locations of the major arteries of the posterior ear and the recommended needle insertion locations. Administration of EXCEDE Sterile Suspension into ear arteries is likely to be fatal.
In lactating dairy cattle the injection techniques for subcutaneous (SC) injection in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) can be made by the rostral or ventral injection techniques.
In beef and non-lactating dairy cattle the SC injection in the base of the ear can be made by the rostral, ventral or toward the opposite eye injection techniques.
Shake well before using. Please read the complete package insert before administering EXCEDE Sterile Suspension subcutaneously in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear).
The subcutaneous (SC) injection may be made using the toward the opposite eye, rostral, or ventral techniques. Hold the syringe and needle and insert the needle as described below.
Deliver the entire contents of the syringe.
Do not administer EXCEDE Sterile Suspension in the neck.
Administration for the Base of the Ear: Toward the Opposite Eye Technique
Hold the syringe and needle behind the ear to be dosed so the needle and syringe point in the direction of an imaginary line that would pass through the head toward the animal's opposite eye. See Figures 4 and 5.
Insert the needle through the loose skin in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) while maintaining this angle. See Figure 4.
Figure 4. Subcutaneous administration of EXCEDE Sterile Suspension in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear).
Figure 5. Injection location for the subcutaneous administration of EXCEDE Sterile Suspension in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear).
Administration for the Base of Ear: Toward the Same Eye Technique or Rostral Direction
Hold the syringe and needle behind the ear to be dosed so the needle and syringe point in the direction of an imaginary line that would pass through the head toward the eye on the same side of the head. See Figures 5 and 6.
Insert the needle through the loose skin in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) while maintaining the needle position. See Figure 6.
Figure 6. Diagram of head showing the direction for the base of ear injections administered rostrally toward the eye on the same side of the head into the loose skin in the caudal aspect of the base of the ear.
Administration for Base of the Ear: Ventral Technique
Hold the syringe and needle above the ear to be dosed so that the needle and syringe are pointing ventrally toward the base of the ear. The needle will be inserted into the loose skin in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) while pointing ventrally. Care should be taken to not insert the needle through the cartilage of the ear. See Figure 7.
Insert the needle through the loose skin in the posterior aspect of the ear where it attaches to the head (base of the ear) while maintaining needle position. See Figure 7.
Figure 7. Diagram of head showing the direction of base of ear injections when administered ventrally into the loose skin in the caudal aspect of the base of the ear.