Dr Dental Care 750ml

Dr Dental Care 750ml

Dr Dental Care 750ml Recall

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Questions & Answers

Side Effects & Adverse Reactions

1. Keep out of reach of children under 6 years old.
2. Avoid direct sunlight, store in room temperature.
3. Close lid after use.
4. Consult doctor before use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.
5. If significant amount is accidentally swallowed, drink large amount of milk and get medical help.

Legal Issues

There is currently no legal information available for this drug.

FDA Safety Alerts

There are currently no FDA safety alerts available for this drug.

Manufacturer Warnings

There is currently no manufacturer warning information available for this drug.

FDA Labeling Changes

There are currently no FDA labeling changes available for this drug.


Mouthwash with outstanding oral disease prevention effect


There is currently no drug history available for this drug.

Other Information

There are no additional details available for this product.

Dr Dental Care 750ml Manufacturers

  • Jangin Pharm Co., Ltd.
    Dr Dental Care 750ml (Sodium Fluoride) Liquid [Jangin Pharm Co., Ltd.]

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