

Iodip-505 Recall

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Questions & Answers

Side Effects & Adverse Reactions

There is currently no warning information available for this product. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Legal Issues

There is currently no legal information available for this drug.

FDA Safety Alerts

There are currently no FDA safety alerts available for this drug.

Manufacturer Warnings

There is currently no manufacturer warning information available for this drug.

FDA Labeling Changes

There are currently no FDA labeling changes available for this drug.


There is currently no usage information available for this product. We apologize for any inconvenience.


There is currently no drug history available for this drug.

Other Information

IoDip-505™ is an iodine teat dip to aid in the prevention of
the spread of mastitis causing organisms.
Use full strength.
Pre-Dipping: Just before milking, make sure the teats are
clean and dry. Dip each teat in undiluted IoDip-505™.
Allow to soak for 15-30 seconds. Dry with a single service
towel and attach milker units.
Post-Dipping: Immediately after removing inflations, dip
each teat in undiluted IoDip-505™. Allow teat to air dry. Do
not wipe.
Replace the solution if it becomes visibly dirty.

Iodip-505 Manufacturers

  • Eagle Supply Company Llc
    Iodip-505 (Iodine) Solution [Eagle Supply Company Llc]

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