At the onset of an attack, one or two metered sprays should be administered onto or under the tongue. No more than three metered sprays are recommended within a 15-minute period. If the chest pain persists, prompt medical attention is recommended. Nitroglycerin Lingual Spray may be used prophylactically five to ten minutes prior to engaging in activities which might precipitate an acute attack.
Each metered spray of Nitroglycerin Lingual Spray delivers 48 mg of solution containing 400 mcg of nitroglycerin after an initial priming of 5 sprays. It will remain adequately primed for 6 weeks. If the product is not used within 6 weeks it can be adequately reprimed with 1 spray. Longer storage periods without use may require up to 5 repriming sprays. There are 60 or 200 metered sprays per bottle. The total number of available doses is dependent, however, on the number of sprays per use (1 or 2 sprays), and the frequency of repriming.
The transparent container can be used for continuous monitoring of the consumption. The end of the pump should be covered by the fluid level. Once fluid falls below the level of the center tube, sprays will not be adequate and the container should be replaced. As with all other sprays, there is a residual volume of fluid at the bottom of the bottle which cannot be used.
During application the patient should rest, ideally in the sitting position. The container should be held vertically with the valve head uppermost and the spray orifice as close to the mouth as possible. The dose should preferably be sprayed onto the tongue by pressing the button firmly and the mouth should be closed immediately after each dose. THE SPRAY SHOULD NOT BE INHALED. The medication should not be expectorated or the mouth rinsed for 5 to 10 minutes following administration. Patients should be instructed to familiarize themselves with the position of the spray orifice, which can be identified by the finger rest on top of the valve, in order to facilitate orientation for administration at night.