2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Cloth
use with care in premature infants or infants under 2 months of age. These products may cause irritation or chemical burns.
do not microwave
product and packaging are not sterile. Follow your hospital policy for skin preparation with non-sterile products.
To open package
holding top of package in one hand, lift flap on backside of package with other hand
grasp flap at top and pull down to tear flap away and expose foam
hold outside of package to present foam and cloths to prep table, avoiding contact between cloths and outside of package to reduce risk of cloth contamination.
using sterile scissors, cut off end seal of package
transfer contents onto prep table, avoiding contact between cloths and outside of package to reduce risk of cloth contamination
use first cloth to prepare the skin area indicated for a moist or dry site, making certain to keep the second cloth where it will not be contaminated. Use second cloth to prepare larger areas.
dry surgical sites (such as abdomen or arm): use one cloth to cleanse each 161 cm2 area (approximately 5 x 5 inches) of skin to be prepared. Vigorously scrub skin back and forth for 3 minutes, completely wetting treatment area, then discard. Allow area to air dry for one (1) minute. Do not rinse.
moist surgical sites (such as inguinal fold): use one cloth to cleanse each 65 cm2 area (approximately 2 x 5 inches) of skin to be prepared. Vigorously scrub skin back and forth for 3 minutes, completely wetting treatment area, then discard. Allow area to air dry for one (1) minute. Do not rinse.
discard each cloth after a single use
after package has been opened discard any unused cloths
3M Skin and Nasal Antiseptic
open package and remove bottle and swabs
unscrew cap by turning cap counter-clockwise
Skin Application:
Apply to clean dry skin.
Dip one swab into solution and stir vigorously for 10 seconds. Withdraw the swab slowly to avoid wiping solution off during removal.
Scrub prep site for 2 minutes working from clean to dirty using both sides of the swab.
Repeat steps 2 & 3 using second swab.
Allow prep solution to dry. Do not blot.
Nasal Application:
Use a tissue to clean the inside of both nostrils including the inside tip of nostril. Discard.
Tilting the bottle slightly, dip one swab into solution and stir vigorously for 10 seconds. Withdraw the swab slowly to avoid wiping solution off during removal.
Insert swab comfortably into one nostril and rotate for 15 seconds covering all surfaces. Then focus on the inside tip of nostril and rotate for an additional 15 seconds. (swab 1)
Using a new swab: Repeat steps 2 & 3 with the other nostril. (swab 2)
Repeat the application in both nostrils using a fresh swab each time. (swabs 3 & 4)
Do not blow nose. If solution drips out of nose, it can be lightly dabbed with a tissue.