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Treatment Set Ts332256 Recall
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Side Effects & Adverse Reactions
Epinephrine 1:1000 should be available.
When changing immunotherapy from an unstandardized to an AU/ml standardized allergenic extract, dose adjustment, if indicated, should be based on the comparative potency of the extracts. Patient re-evaluation may be necessary.
Injections should never be given intravenously. A 5/8 inch 25 gauge needle on a sterile syringe will allow deep subcutaneous injection. Precaution of withdrawing the plunger slightly after inserting the needle is advisable to determine if a blood vessel has been entered. Proper measurement of the dose and caution in making the injection will minimize reactions. Patients should be detained for twenty to thirty minutes after injection or advised to return to the office immediately if symptoms or reactions occur.
Sensitive patients may experience severe anaphylactic reactions resulting in respiratory obstruction, shock, coma and/or death.
Legal Issues
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FDA Safety Alerts
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Manufacturer Warnings
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FDA Labeling Changes
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When the natural exposure to elevated aeroallergens produces symptoms as described under Clinical Pharmacology, specific diagnosis and therapeutic procedures are indicated. Clearly, important clues to the cause of a person's allergic condition can be gleaned from a thorough history and careful physical examination. Diagnostic tests - in vitro or in vivo - serve only to confirm the physician's suspicions or to improve investigative skills. Specific diagnosis is especially indicated when the patient's symptoms are not controlled by medication. When immunotherapy is contemplated demonstration of sensitivity to a specific allergenic extract is necessary. An orderly approach to the use of diagnostic tests usually begins with direct skin testing. 5,6,11
There is currently no drug history available for this drug.
Other Information
Allergenic extract in this vial is referred to as an individual treatment vial since it is designed primarily for the physician equipped to complete skin testing and supervise allergenic extract immunotherapy. The extract is sterile and intended for subcutaneous injection. The concentration of allergenic extract supplied will be based on the individual physician's prescription order and will be expressed in most cases on a weight/volume basis (or AU/ml with standardized extract) diluted either 1:10 or 1:5. Where mixtures of pollens and non-pollens have been ordered, the ingredients are listed on the final container label. To insure maximum potency for the entire dating period, dilutions will be prepared with 50% v/v glycerine unless otherwise specified.
Ingredients - Active allergens, preservative and stabilizer are noted on the Physicians Prescription Ingredients Insert enclosed with each individual allergenic extract treatment vial.
Dating Period - A twelve month dating period (expiration date) for the prescription vial will be on the container label. Extract Treatment Sets should be reordered when outdated. Government requirements include a two week holding period for sterility tests. Please allow three weeks minimum for delivery.
Treatment Set Ts332256 Manufacturers
Antigen Laboratories, Inc.
Treatment Set Ts332256 | Antigen Laboratories, Inc.
As a consequence of the discovery of IgE and the development of methods to identify and quantify anti-allergen IgE levels, interest in recent years has centered around the utilization of in vivo and in vitro diagnostic procedures. 7,9
Patients who react to a small quantity of antigen by skin testing can be classified as highly sensitive. Those who react only to large quantities of antigen can be classified as less sensitive. It would appear that there is at least a 50,000-fold range between the most and least sensitive individuals. On the other hand, certain patients who do not appear to have elevated quantities of specific anti-allergen IgE do have positive skin tests and have symptoms of allergic rhinitis. These patients are considerably less sensitive than patients with detectable levels of specific IgE antibody. 10
The current standard method of immunotherapy dates back to the earliest studies by Noon. As adapted for ragweed pollen extract, therapy is begun with a low dose, which has been shown to be tolerated by both experience and skin testing.
The physician who undertakes immunotherapy should be concerned with the degree of sensitivity of the patient. This can be measured by skin test, leukocyte histamine release, or anti-allergen IgE levels. Strongly positive skin tests or high initial ragweed IgE and total IgE may be risk factors for systemic reactions. Less aggressive immunotherapy schedules may be indicated for such patients. Maintenance dose potency must be established by the physician's clinical observation and experience. 10,17
Serial fivefold or tenfold dilutions of the extract are used to make more dilute extract concentrations. Other concentrations can be prepared by appropriate dilution. In brief, the allergist can prepare any dilution of extract that is considered appropriate for the patient.
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