V-go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device

V-go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device

V-go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device Recall

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Questions & Answers

Side Effects & Adverse Reactions


Insulin requirements

If you have to make regular adjustments or modifications to your basal rate during a 24-hour period, or if the amount of insulin used at meals requires adjustments of less than 2-Unit increments, use of the V-Go may result in hypoglycemia.

The following conditions may occur during insulin therapy with the V-Go.

  • Hypoglycemia:
    Intensive management of diabetes with too much insulin has been associated with an increase in the incidence of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
  • Hyperglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA):
    Any insulin delivery interruption may result in hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) or the onset of diabetic ketoacidosis.

If you have a medical emergency while using the V-Go, call 911, your doctor, or go directly to the hospital.

Legal Issues

There is currently no legal information available for this drug.

FDA Safety Alerts

There are currently no FDA safety alerts available for this drug.

Manufacturer Warnings

There is currently no manufacturer warning information available for this drug.

FDA Labeling Changes

There are currently no FDA labeling changes available for this drug.



V-Go 20:
The V-Go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device is indicated for continuous subcutaneous infusion of 20 Units of insulin in one 24-hour time period (0.83 U/hr) and on-demand bolus dosing in 2-Unit increments (up to 36 Units per one 24-hour time period) in adult patients requiring insulin.

V-Go 30:
The V-Go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device is indicated for continuous subcutaneous infusion of 30 Units of insulin in one 24-hour time period (1.25 U/hr) and on-demand bolus dosing in 2-Unit increments (up to 36 Units per one 24-hour time period) in adult patients requiring insulin.

V-Go 40:
The V-Go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device is indicated for continuous subcutaneous infusion of 40 Units of insulin in one 24-hour time period (1.67 U/hr) and on-demand bolus dosing in 2-Unit increments (up to 36 Units per one 24-hour time period) in adult patients requiring insulin.

A U100 fast-acting insulin should be used with the V-Go. Humalog® (insulin lispro, rDNA origin) and NovoLog® (insulin aspart, rDNA origin) have been tested by Valeritas, Inc. and found to be safe for use in the V-Go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device.

Before using different insulin with the V-Go, you should check the insulin label to make sure it can be used with this device.


There is currently no drug history available for this drug.

Other Information

There are no additional details available for this product.

V-go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device Manufacturers

  • Valeritas, Inc
    V-go Disposable Insulin Delivery Device () [Valeritas, Inc]

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