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Side Effects & Adverse Reactions
PRECAUCIONES: No debe aplicarse en menores de 2 anos, excepto cuando su medico lo recomiende. Para uso externo unicamente. Evite el contacto con los olos. Si observa alguna irritacion, o si no hay mejoria despues de cuatro semanas (en el pie de atleta o en la tina), o dos semanas (en la comezon el la ingle), suspenda su uso y consulte a su medico. Mantenga este y todos los medicamentos fuera del alcance de los ninos. En caso de ingestion accidental, comuniquese con el centro de salud mas cercano y pida ayuda profesional inmediatamente.
WARNINGS: Do not use on children under 2 years of age unless directed by a physician. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If irritation occurs or if there is no improvement within 4 weeks (for athlete's foot or ringworm) or within 2 weeks (for jock itch), discontinue use and consult a physician. Keep this and all drugs out of reach of children. In case of accidental ingestion, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.
Legal Issues
There is currently no legal information available for this drug.
FDA Safety Alerts
There are currently no FDA safety alerts available for this drug.
Manufacturer Warnings
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FDA Labeling Changes
There are currently no FDA labeling changes available for this drug.
USOS: Cura el pie de (tinea pedis), comezon en la ingle (tinea cruris) y tina (tinea corporis). Par alivio effectivo de la comezon, agrietamiento, ardor y molestias asociadas con estas enfermedades.
USES:Cures athlete's foot (tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris) and ringworm(tinea corpois). For effective relief of itching, cracking, burning and discomfort that can accompany these conditions.
There is currently no drug history available for this drug.
Other Information
There are no additional details available for this product.
Vite20 Manufacturers
Blaine Labs Inc.
Vite20 | Blaine Labs Inc.
MODO DE EMPLEO: Lave con aqua y jabon ;as areas afectadas y sequelas adecuadamente. Aplique una capa ligera dos veces al dia (manana y noche), o como lo haya indicado su medico. Los ninos menores de 12 anos que usen este producto deberan hacerlo bajo estricta supervision de un adulto. En los casos de pie de atleta, debe poner atencion entre los dedos de los pies. Es recomendable que use zapatos a la medida y bien ventilados, y cambiarse de calcentines y zapatos cuando menos una vez al dia. Para el pie de atleta y la tina, use diario por cuatro semanas; papa comezon en la ingle, does semanas son suficentes. Si no obtiene resultados en el tiemp indicado, es mejor consultar con su medico.
DIRECTIONS: wash the affected area with soap and water and dry thoroughly. Apply sparingly over affected area twice daily (morning and night), or as directed by a physician. For athlete's foot, pay special attention to spaces between the toes; wear well-fitting, ventilated shoes and change shoes and socks at least once daily. For athlete's foot and ringworm, use daily for 4 weeks; for jock itch, use daily for 2 weeks. If condition persists longer, consult a physician. This product is not effective on scalp or nails. Supervise children in the use of this product.
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